Window Replacement in Memphis, TN
Is cooling or heating your home costing you too much? Now might be a good time to replace your windows. According to the US Department of Energy, most homes have air drafts that could impact your energy efficiency. At Maclin, our windows could reduce your utilities from 20-40%! We offer a wide range of energy efficient windows to help transform your home into one that is comfortable and efficient. We only carry trusted brands, all backed with lifetime warranties.
With Maclin replacing a window couldn’t be easier. We work closely with you to make sure you are selecting the right unit for your needs. We can assist with whole home remodeling, restorations and more.

Some Advantages to Replacing Your Windows:
• Improve the comfort level of your home
• Give your home a distinctive, beautiful look
• Lower your home energy costs
• Reduce home maintenance
• Make cleaning windows easier than ever
• Increase the value of your home
Known for being the experts in vinyl replacement windows, we offer a wide range of brands, styles and types to choose from.
7 Reasons to Get Replacement Windows
Did you know that the average homeowner can reduce their annual energy costs anywhere from 5% to 30% simply by reducing drafts in the home? Since old windows are one of the biggest culprits of household drafts, replacing them can be one of the best investments a homeowner can make.
Replacement windows not only save money on your monthly utility bills, they also improve your home’s curb appeal, benefit the environment through smarter energy use, and make your household more comfortable for family and visitors.
Windows need to be replaced over time, just like your roof or appliances. If your windows are more than 15 years old, it’s a good time to inspect them and make sure they’re up to par. When checking your windows, consider the following questions: Are they easy to open and close? Is it challenging to clean them? Do you regularly find moisture on the inside of your windows? Do you feel a draft? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it is probably time to replace your windows. Here are the top 7 reasons most homeowners make the switch:

Reduced Energy Costs
The single-pane glass used in most older windows isn’t an effective form of insulation in hot and cold climates. If your windows freeze open or shut, or the area around your windows is really hot in the summer, they aren’t protecting your home against the elements, and the money you spend on your monthly utility bills is literally going out the window.
Energy efficient windows with an ENERGY STAR rating will lower your monthly energy costs and make your home more comfortable. The average homeowners save between $126 and $465 annually by replacing single-pane windows with ENERGY STAR qualified windows. Utility rebates may also be available for energy-efficient windows, saving homeowners even more money.
Increased Property Value
New windows are a smart investment because they increase the value of your home. Replacement windows are one of the few household projects the offer great returns for homeowners.
Remodeling Magazine estimates that homeowners in Tennessee and other parts of the East South Central US can recoup, on average, about 70% of the total cost of replacement windows. That, combined with the fact that new windows pay for themselves through energy savings, make replacing your windows a no-brainer from a financial standpoint.
Improved Curb Appeal
If your home looks outdated or unappealing, chances are your windows are a big contributing factor. Replacement windows instantly refresh the appearance of your home. Plus, you’ll be so pleased with how much more natural light they let in, that you’ll be extra motivated to keep them clean (which is way easier with new windows anyway!).

Did you know that 30% of all burglaries occur through an open or unlocked window or door? Your windows and exterior doors are your home’s first line of defense against burglary, so it’s important they’re working properly. This can be challenging if you have old windows that expand when it’s hot outside or freeze in the winter, making them hard to open or close and lock. New, strong windows that easily lock deter burglars from targeting your home.
Reduce Fading
New windows also have treatments that prevent harmful ultraviolet rays from entering your home and fading your furniture or damaging your belongings. Replacement windows block an average of 95% of UV rays that result in fading, keeping your belongings in good condition as well as safe from burglary.
Eliminate Noise
Many of us get so used to the sound of tricks whizzing by or school bell’s ringing that we don’t even notice them anymore. That’s not exactly a good thing, and not something you need to learn to live with if you choose to replace your old windows. Replacement windows with dual panes or laminated glass greatly reduce outside noise.
Environmental Benefits
Saving money on your monthly utility bill isn’t the only benefit of using less energy. Reduced energy consumption also benefits the environment and helps your household become more energy independent. Energy-efficient windows are one of the many ways you can help reduce your family’s carbon footprint.
If any of these reasons resonate with you, we encourage you to find a reputable and reliable replacement window installer. Maclin Security Doors specializes in energy-efficient windows from the industry’s most reputable brands. Our team of specialists will help you find the best fit for your budget, lifestyle, and unique home.
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