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Signs You Should Replace Your Patio Roof Cover

Insulated Patio Cover

Like any other part of your home, your patio and patio cover require care and maintenance to stay comfortable and attractive. Over time, your patio cover may stop working as well, become degraded by wind and weather, or may just not be right for your personal aesthetic any longer. If you’re not sure whether it’s time to upgrade your patio cover, keep reading to learn more about the signs you should consider an upgrade, the benefits of upgrading, and how to build a new patio cover for your outdoor living space.

Signs You Should Upgrade Your Patio Cover

If you don’t use your outdoor living space often, you might not immediately notice that your patio cover is damaged, worn out, or degraded. If you’re on the fence about whether it’s time to upgrade your existing patio cover, you can look for some of these warning signs that your patio cover is past its prime:

  • The hardware is corroded, rusty, or missing.
  • There is insect, animal, or weather damage to supporting posts, beams, or joists.
  • You have a retractable cover that will no longer fully open or close.
  • The fabric cover or shade sale is faded, ripped, or torn.
  • The patio cover doesn’t offer full protection from the elements.
  • Your patio is showing signs of damage, debris, or wear and tear due to exposure to sun, rain, and dirt.
  • You aren’t using your patio as often because it isn’t fully protected from the sun.
  • The patio cover was installed improperly or isn’t up to code.
  • The patio cover is outdated and no longer matches the aesthetic of your home.
  • You want to extend the patio cover to have a larger outdoor living space.
  • You want to take advantage of newer patio cover features.

Benefits of Installing a New Patio Cover

Installing a new patio cover allows you to take advantage of newer features that can make your patio more comfortable and easier to use. These are the biggest benefits of upgrading your patio cover:

  • Improved comfort in your outdoor living area.
  • Enhanced privacy and security.
  • Reduced heat and sun exposure.
  • Greater protection from the rain, wind, and dust.
  • Extended lifespan of your patio and patio furniture.
  • Increased outdoor living space.
  • More opportunities to use your patio year-round.
  • Ability to integrate more customized outdoor living features like lighting, sound, and heating and cooling systems.
  • Increased value of your home.

The Best Features to Consider for an Outdoor Patio Cover

You will have a variety of features to consider when you upgrade your outdoor patio cover. Here are some of the most popular patio cover designs and features:

  • Insulated Patio Cover – An insulated patio cover offers enhanced protection from weather and allows you to use your patio year-round.
  • Screened Porch or Patio – A screened porch or patio protects your patio from bugs, pests, wind, and dust and keeps it cleaner.
  • Louvered Patio Cover – A louvered patio cover allows you to control the level of light that comes onto your patio and protects you from sun exposure.
  • Solid Patio Cover – A solid patio cover, such as an aluminum patio cover, offers full sun protection and complete shade.
  • Retractable Patio Cover – A retractable patio cover can be opened, closed, or even partly opened, depending on your needs and the weather.
  • Pergola – A pergola is an open-roof structure that creates a partially shaded patio.

How to Build a Patio Cover

If you have never installed a patio cover and don’t have experience in home construction and design, you should hire an expert for patio cover installation. An experienced contractor will make sure you have the necessary permits and that your patio cover is installed safely and correctly. They will guide you through the process of choosing the right patio cover for your needs, goals, and budget. When the project is completed, your outdoor living space will be better protected from the elements, and you and your family will be more likely to want to use it.

Hire an Expert for Your Patio Cover Installation

If you’re ready to talk to an expert about your patio cover installation in Bartlett, TN, our team at Maclin Security Doors is standing by and ready to help. We specialize in patio cover installation for decks, patios, pergolas, pool and spa areas, and other outdoor living areas. Our patio covers can be perfectly tailored and customized to your needs and goals, adding value, beauty, and comfort to your outdoor living areas. Upgrading your patio cover will offer enhanced weather protection, extend your outdoor living area, and improve its privacy and security. Call us today or contact us online to schedule an initial consultation.