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Whether you plan on selling your home in the future or just want to enhance its size, comfort, and convenience, adding a screened-in porch, sunroom, or other screen room enclosure can add value to your home. An outdoor screen room enclosure will extend your interior living space to the outdoors, allowing you to enjoy the fresh air without worrying about insects or other pests. Patio screen room enclosures also give you more space for entertaining without having to host all your guests inside your home. Keep reading to learn more about how to add a room with a screen enclosure that will add value to your property.

Screen Room Enclosures in Memphis, TN

Increased Square Footage

Increasing the square footage of your home can also increase its resale value. Building a screened-in enclosure, screened porch, or patio will add to the existing square footage of your home. A screened porch adds livable square footage and impacts your home’s resale value. If you choose to sell your home in the future, you will attract more buyers by making thoughtful renovations and additions that create more living space or extend your home’s living space into outdoor living areas.

Improved Comfort & Convenience

A screened porch or patio creates an outdoor living space that is comfortable and convenient. If your home opens directly onto the screened outdoor living area, it will offer even more convenience. You can entertain guests and host family dinners outside while also staying protected from wind, bugs, and weather. If you put your home on the market in the future, potential buyers will be able to envision the space as a way to enjoy the outdoors comfortably. Adding features that enhance the comfort and convenience of your home will make it more attractive to buyers.

Amazing Return on Your Investment

Adding a room with a screen enclosure is a simple, affordable way to improve your home. Screen room enclosures have a shorter construction timeline than other exterior home remodeling projects or additions. The project will be an investment, but it will offer a higher return on your investment than other home renovation projects. When you put your home on the market after adding a screened-in porch or patio, your home will attract more buyers and will likely sell for more money than comparable homes that don’t have a screened-in outdoor living area.

Choosing the Right Features for Maximum Value

When planning and designing your outdoor screen room enclosure, you will have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of features and add-ons. Choosing the right features can add maximum value to your home. These are the features that offer the highest return on investment or have the potential to further increase the value of your home should you choose to sell in the future:

  • Custom Lighting – Installing custom outdoor lighting options will make your screened porch or patio more comfortable to use and more attractive to potential buyers.
  • Sound System or Entertainment Options – When you install a sound system or outdoor television, potential buyers will be able to imagine using the screened room for a wide variety of occasions and events, and they will be more likely to consider it a selling point.
  • Fans and Ventilation – Fans and ventilation will make your outdoor living area more comfortable year-round and will keep bugs and pests away.
  • Outdoor Living Features – Outdoor living features like rugs, seating, tables, and decor will make your screened porch stylish and comfortable. Potential buyers will find it easier to imagine using the screened room for relaxation and entertaining if it is furnished with comfortable outdoor living features.
  • Smart Home Features—Smart home features will also make your screened porch a selling point to potential homebuyers. Installing smart home systems like lighting, sound, and climate control will make your screened porch even more attractive and versatile.
  • Heating and Cooling – When potential homebuyers can imagine using the screen room year-round, they are more likely to see it as a selling point. Installing heating and cooling systems will ensure the screened porch stays comfortable in the summer and winter.

Talk to Us About Our Screen Room Installations

At Maclin Security Doors, we specialize in exterior home renovations and additions like porch screen rooms in Barlett, TN. Our team excels at creating comfortable, beautiful outdoor living spaces and completing exterior construction services that add value to homes and enhance their comfort, convenience, and beauty. Call us today or contact us online to schedule a consultation for a porch or patio screen installation and increase the value of your home while enjoying the outdoors, free from bugs, pests, dust, and wind.